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应西安交通大学电力设备电气绝缘国家重点实验室成永红教授邀请,澳洲国立大学(Australian National Univ)高级讲师殷宗友于2017年11月23日至2017年12月1日期间来我校交流访问,并在2017年11月27日做专题学术讲座,欢迎广大师生届时参加。

报告人: 殷宗友

报告主题:Two-dimensional Materials and Applications

报告人简介:Dr.Zongyou YINreceived his B.S. and M.S. degrees at Jilin Univ. in China, and his Ph.D. at Nanyang Technological Univ. (NTU) in Singapore. After his Ph.D., Dr. Yin had worked as a Research Fellow at NTU and then Scientist II at IMRE, Singapore, before he moved to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) as a postdoctoral associate in February 2014. He had also been a visiting post-doctoral fellow for one year (Oct. 2014 - Oct. 2015) at Harvard Univ.. In January 2016, he was promoted to the Research Scientist at MIT. In 2017, Dr Yin joined the Australian National Univ. (ANU) as the Senior Lecturer. His research interests include design, synthesis and characterization of functional materials and their applications in energy, electronics, optoelectronics, etc. He has filed 10 international patens and published over 100 articles in international journals, includingNat. Energy,Sci. Adv.,Nat. Commun.,JACS,Adv. Mater., Angew. Chem., Nano Lett.,ACS Nano, etc. He was the recipient of World Highly Cited Researcher in 2015-to-2017 three years consecutively.

报告摘要:Two-dimensional (2D) atomic sheets, including graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), boron nitride (BN), black phosphorus, etc., offer a vast and fascinating playground for exploring novel nanomaterials science and applications.In this talk, I will present the synthesis strateigies for vaiours (mettalic, semiconducting and insulating) 2D materials, characterization and fabrication development from single-layer atomic devices, thin-film nano devices, to upscable rod-coating devices. This talk highlights recently deveoped materials science, device concepts, and fabrication processes from atomic level to system level.

